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Grants available to rural school districts « Rural Community Building
America's Farmers Grow Rural Education Grant
America's Farmers Grow Rural Education gives farmers the opportunity to nominate a public school district in their rural community to compete for a grant. The Monsanto Fund will award 199 grants this year. There will be 177 $10,000 grants and 22 grants of $25,000 awarded.
The nomination period takes place January 6 – April 15, 2012. Nominated school district administrators can then submit an application for either a $10,000 or $25,000 grant to support a science and/or math educational program by April 30, 2012.
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Warren G. Bennis
Not all states or regions are eligible but you can see a complete list of the1,245 counties in 39 states that are eligible. Overall, the Monsanto Fund will donate more than $2.3 million to school districts through this program. Grants will be awarded based on merit, need and community support.
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Richard Nixon
The America's Farmers Grow Rural Education Advisory Council will select the winning grant application. This group is made up of 26 farmer leaders from across the country, who are passionate about both farming and rural education. The council members are actively engaged in their local communities through various leadership positions, such as a member of the local School Board, an active Farm Bureau leader or a member of an educational organization or committee within various organizations.
The America's Farmers Grow Rural Education program is part of a broad commitment by Monsanto Fund to highlight the important contributions farmers make every day to our society by helping them grow their youth. Visit for additional information and to view a complete list of winning school districts. An addition page of FAQ answers such questions as Why did you choose only these counties?; Why can only farmers apply? Or How will the school districts' applications be evaluated?
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